
React JS

Dive into the dynamic universe of React.js with our in-depth tutorials. Whether you’re taking your first steps into frontend development or aiming to refine your React skills, our tutorials cover a broad spectrum of topics. From understanding the basics of React components, state, and props, to navigating advanced concepts such as React Hooks, context, and state management libraries like Redux, our guides offer clear explanations and hands-on examples. Explore the latest trends in modern web development by learning React.js, the powerful JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. Elevate your frontend development skills with our comprehensive React.js tutorials.

Next js vs React, In the world of modern web development, React.js has been a game-changer since its inception. It revolutionized the way
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navigate using React Router
React Router provides a useHistory hook and useNavigate hook (starting from version 6) that allows you to programmatically navigate within your React components.
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Call function React js
In React, you can call a function in various ways depending on the context. Here, I'll provide examples of calling functions in different scenarios.
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How to Create Your Custom Route Component in React Js
In React, routing is often handled using libraries like React Router. Here’s a brief overview of how you can create a custom route using React Router as an example: For Setting Up Custom React Routes: In your main application file (typically App.js), import BrowserRouter and Route from react-router-dom. Wrap your application with BrowserRouter to enable...
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